Leiden Introduction
Leiden Cryogenics was built by Prof. Frossati from famous Kamerlingh Onnes Lab at Leiden Univeristy
Prof. Giorgio Frossati has done research in quantum fluids and solids, ultra-low temperature techniques and lately spherical gravitational wave detectors.
Worked on dilution refrigerators since 1970 having introduced the silver powder heat exchangers, now widely used in all commercial dilution refrigerators.
He has built a DR system using silver heat exchangers that obtained a world-record lowest continuous temperature of 2.0 mK in 1977 when he worked at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. Before that he had developed plastic heat exchangers that improved the world record from 7 to 5.2 mK. When he moved to Leiden in 1980 he built the up to now still most powerful dilution refrigerator for low millikelvin temperaturesand improved the world record to 1.8 mK in continuous operation.
Plastic dilution refrigerators for using in high field magnet and pulse magnet had US patent in 1993
(Patent No. US5189880, Grant Date: 02.03.1993).

Main Product
Dry system
CF series DR system
Wet system
MCK-50 Sereis DR system(base temperature 15—30mK )
MNK-126 Series DR system(base tempeature 5—15mK )
DRS supper cooling power DR system(base temperature 2.8mK )
DR systems made by Leiden are widely used in low temperature physics field, till now there are more than 200 users.